We Are An Alternative Open and Affirming Spiritual Center Where People: Explore, Connect & Transform

Phoenix Rising
United Church of Christ
Phoenix Rising UCC
Closed its doors in November 2022
We would like to thank you all for being on this journey with us

10 healthy ways to invite others in your life.

Weekly Seed:
an online devotional
Phoenix Rising UCC is a member of the United Church of Christ whose national office is in Cleveland Ohio. 5,000 churches across the United States make up the UCC with just fewer than one million members. The denomination is broken down into Regional Conferences; each conference is made up of associations, which are made up of local churches. Phoenix Rising, formally known as First congregational Church Haverhill is also a member of the Essex Association and the ​​​​Mass Conference of the United church of Chris​​​​t.
United Church of Christ Resources
Weekly Seeds is a weekly email summary of our popular resource for lectionary-based Bible study. It includes next Sunday's Bible reading, a brief meditation, and reflections from ancient or contemporary sources.
Inspired by Encounters at the Counter: What Congregations Can Learn About Hospitality from Business by Alan Johnson, © 2009 The Pilgrim Press.
Life is like a suitcase—so much depends on what you put into it and how you prepare for the trip. Just like like our bodies need food to survive. Our Spirits need to be nourished There is a real spiritual hunger and thirst that many simply live with. There is a river of life that is a thirst quencher. It is so close. come! Taste! and See!
Why do we ask for others to pray for us? The answers can be many and can go deep and wide. However, the one reason that seems to make the clearest sense is or belonging to each other and to God. When we ask others to pray for us we are in essence inviting them to join us on our quest for peace, comfort, encouragement, healing and direction. Prayer is also a way our faith is strengthened. When we surrender and release that which burdens, we can encourage one another to continue to trust until the answers come.