We Are An Alternative Open and Affirming Spiritual Center Where People: Explore, Connect & Transform

Phoenix Rising
United Church of Christ
Phoenix Rising UCC
Closed its doors in November 2022
We would like to thank you all for being on this journey with us

Our Vision
Phoenix Rising United Church of Christ endeavors to bring an inclusive spiritual vitality to the Merrimack Valley. We are creating a place of mindfulness and sanctuary. Our purpose is to love God with all our heart mind and soul and strength and our neighbor as ourselves. Our covenant commitment: to live united in Christ's love and Justice.
Christ's Great Commission
An extravagant welcome of people wherever they are on life’s journey.
An Open and Affirming community of faith.
An emphasis on mission and justice, locally and globally.
An interfaith spirit to work with those of other faith traditions.
An ability to realistically engage in the community while emphasizing the positive need of connection to God and each other.
A spirit of covenant with the North East area Association, Mass Conference and National United Church of Christ.

"An Authentic Spiritual Quest Requires us to Journey with Others Who Will Support Us, Challenge Us and Help Us to ​
Change and Grow."

​John Van De Laar​